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15:26 15-11-2003 / Ben, Moscow, обратиться

Please could you tell me where in Moscow I can find effective treatment (for instance, acupuncture) to stop smoking cigarettes?

Thank you

Ben Carter


# 17:50 15-11-2003 Doc, обратиться
Dear Ben! Please, pay me 1000 $ and sleep deeply!
Lexex- lexex@rambler. ru
# 17:50 15-11-2003 Doc, обратиться
Dear Ben! Please, pay me 1000 $ and sleep deeply!
Lexex- lexex@rambler. ru
# 09:29 17-11-2003 Alexander, обратиться
Why in Moscow? If you want to live in Moscow long time, you may find many specialists in this area. See information in TV, Radio, newspaper etc. Sorry, I'm don't help You on this moment. P. S. I am smoker and while don't cancel this : )
# 09:47 17-11-2003 Григорьев М.И., обратиться
Я есть не понимайт по- ангельски. Впредь буду делит.
# 12:31 17-11-2003 Аноним, обратиться
Ben, The most important thing is your strong desire to quit. I don't think you will be able to quite relying solely on outside assistance. Try to do it yourself first. Use chewing gum (nikorette), or nikotin- containing medications (tabex) as a replacement therapy.
# 18:28 17-11-2003 Tania, обратиться
Hi Ben. I gave up smoking 6 years ago, whithout any aid. Nicorette and other similar means couldn't help me : -(, after a day of using them I could smoke a box one buy one. I tried to quit several times, each time when I started again, a huge mountain of feeling guilty pressed on me. And one day, when I strongly understood that smokinc causes much more problems to me than pleasures, I gave up. Without any specialists or special medicines, in spite of my addiction was so strong that I, young woman with higher education, could pick up a cigarette end from the ground and smoke it, when I had no possibility to buy cigarettes.

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