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офтальмолог | 03.ru - медицинские консультации онлайн



01:27 14-06-2004 / Dragan Batricev…, обратиться

From Serbia

My desease histry is degeneration maculae luteae vittlliformis Morbus best

How familiar are you with this deasesase?

are you had aniy success in treating them , in thow many sases were you successful

and in wish stadium of the desease

Wahat kind of treatment would ou recomend to me?

my adres is milos. b@yubc. net or milosbatricevic@yahoo. com

My diseases history is degeneration maculae luteae vittlliformis Morbus best

How familiar are you with this diseased?

Are you had any success in treating them, in thaw many sasses were you successful

and in wish stadium of the diseases

What kind of treatment would you recommend to me?

My address is milos. b@yubc. net or milosbatricevic@yahoo. com


# 01:47 14-06-2004 Аноним, обратиться
У тебя что комп заело?



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