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00:41 07-11-2001 / Калибра-Селедке…, обратиться

Man's love is of man's life a thing apart, the woman's whole existence. (Lord Byron)


# 00:49 07-11-2001 Селедка (И.Б. 1…, обратиться
Not always, Lord Byron, not always. Women- they are all different, and one in them is common- they are changable and nobody including themselves know- whad do they need actually.
# 00:55 07-11-2001 Калибра, обратиться
Dear Herring! Your previous monologue is the confirmation of quite the opposite of what you are saying now! Not love, OK, OK - relations between sexes - is the woman's whole existence. Don't you think so? what are we descussing all the time here? - Our husbands, our lovers, our boyfriends and very rarely career and all the rest.
Lord Byron
# 00:56 07-11-2001 Хуч, обратиться
Плохие у вас электронные переводчики )))
# 01:00 07-11-2001 Jimmy, обратиться
perevodchikom zdes' i ne pahlo, zhatok angli'skogo.
# 01:00 07-11-2001 Jimmy, обратиться
perevodchikom zdes' i ne pahlo, znatok angli'skogo.
# 01:09 07-11-2001 Селедка (И.Б. 1…, обратиться
Dear Lord! In our discussions take part not only women, and I think that the most correctly would be to say not woman's whole existence, but, excuse me for the play of the words, man's))))I mean, man- is not male. )Will you be satisfied then? ))
# 20:24 07-11-2001 Мышь, обратиться
В русском варианте тоже есть нечто похожее: "Любовь- это история жизни женщины и только миг в жизни мужчины".



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