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психолог | 03.ru - медицинские консультации онлайн



12:02 24-11-2001 / Sem, обратиться

Hi. I'm sorry to write in Eglish. And I'm not shure if it's right place to ask my questions. Anyway, I'm in early 30's and have hard time to concentrate myself on various subjects, such as studying in univercity. I find myself more pleased in dreaming about asolutely unreleted matters, that is maney, women ets. , or to sleep on a couch instead of going out. I feel some sort of frustration and fear to be outside amidst others. How can I change that type of behavor, and what should I do?


# 12:05 24-11-2001 Хуч, обратиться
Your English language very strange, was told with the program, after the analysis of your text.
# 12:16 24-11-2001 Alex, обратиться
Hallo, Sem! Read, please, article about the healer, with which one I work: http: // www. leonidcherny. spb. ru: 8101/ papers/ canser_eng. html Want, - we shall make for you such remarkable diagnostic.
# 12:36 24-11-2001 Sem, обратиться
Hi Xych. I wonder what do you mean " My English language very strange"?
# 12:36 24-11-2001 Sem, обратиться
Hi Xych. I wonder what do you mean " My English language very strange"?
Sincerely, Sem
# 12:49 24-11-2001 Sem, обратиться
Hi Alex. I couldn't find recomended cite.
# 13:14 24-11-2001 Гончаров М.З.…, обратиться
потому, что нельзя копировать прямо отсюда, появляется много пропусков, их надо все сокращать. По- английски писать неохота, народ явно придуривается (что здесь делать нерусскоязычной публике? И как они вообще поняли, что это? )
# 17:31 24-11-2001 Селедка (И.Б. 1…, обратиться
Hi, according to you subscribtions, you have a light case of claustrophobia, this question can help to decide a good psychyatirist. You need to understand the reasons of your condition, because, as I can see from your message, you have such signs as missconcentration of your attention and depressive mood. All the best to you)



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