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голеностоп и стопа | 03.ru - медицинские консультации онлайн


голеностоп и стопа

17:49 26-09-2002 / Irina, обратиться

Hi, I hope you can help me. I am 32. Usually I walk about 2 miles every day plus I run about 3 miles 2- 3 times a week, take 1- 2 cycling classes and at least one yoga class or sauna a week.
And about 6- 8 month ago I got feeling that my сухожилия are became harder and weakly.
I feel like they are dry out and going to break at any moment or at any of my movement.
My feet are in pain all the time. I stopped going to Gym. But any way I walk about 2 miles every day.
I went to the sauna but it just increased not stable feelings in feet сухожилия
. I can’ t even touch (massage) my feet because I feel like сухожилия
are going to break. I have cramps sometimes, but not more then ones in three – four months. But I always have feelings in my feet that cramps can start at any time. I’ ve met podiatrist and he told that I that my сухожилия are very tense and I should do stretch excises, but was doing them on daily basis. And this is not only my feet. Feet are the most painful area.
Thank you


# 08:24 03-10-2002 Багиров А.Б., обратиться
Carry complex inflammation therapy.
# 17:40 03-10-2002 Irina, обратиться
What do you mine complex inflammation therapy? Do you have any idea what could a reason for the inflammation? I did not hurt my feet, did not stretch them, but I was always jogging about 3 miles and taking yoga classes. Is it age problem? But I am going to be 33 in tow weeks. I am not so old.
May be my body losing some minerals or vitamins? What is it? I feel like a disable person.



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