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кардиолог | 03.ru - медицинские консультации онлайн



07:02 02-01-2002 / Olga, обратиться

I'm 52 years old. I had chest's pain several times. It wasn't sharp pain, but just like squeezing or pressing one, and my blood presure was too high for me, 190/ 110. What it could be? Usually, it started at the same time in evening after having meal.


# 20:35 09-01-2002 Мацкеплишвили С.Т., обратиться
What is your normal blood pressure, do you take any medications to control it? The pain could be both innocent and a symptom of a cardiac disease. You should visit your physician for the complete cardiovascular check up with exact reccomendations on treatment and lifestyle.
# 05:37 10-01-2002 Olga I Shabalin, обратиться
Thank you doctor for your prompt response. My normal blood pressure is 120/ 60 and I am on hormon replacement therapy now. I don't take any other medications. I think you right, I should make an appoitment with my physician.
# 23:50 11-01-2002 Мацкеплишвили С.Т., обратиться
It is not unusual to have elevated blood pressure while on replacement therapy (especially estrogen and thyroid). You should contact your physician for the check up. Where do you live?
# 07:19 16-01-2002 Olga I Shabalin, обратиться
Dear doctor,
I'm living in Detroit now. Actually, I was out of HRT when had chest's pain. I don't take premarin constantly as my physician told me. Probably, it might be reason, why it happened with me.



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