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кардиолог | 03.ru - медицинские консультации онлайн



13:59 06-07-2002 / Галина, обратиться

Спасибо, доктор Симон! Вы действительно меня успокоили. Автореферат Вашей диссертации можно прислать по адресу: MZB, Galinai Valule, Sharlotes, 1a, Riga, Latvia, LV- 1001.
Если у Вас появится такая возможность - будем очень благодарны, потому как медицинской литературы на русском языке у нас становится всё меньше и меньше.
С уважением, Галина.


# 12:11 07-07-2002 Мацкеплишвили С.Т., обратиться
ОК, договорились. Желаю удачи!
# 15:43 09-07-2002 E.A., обратиться
Dear Dr. Simon,
Curiocity killed the cat, as you know. Right on the same page there is a banner of MEDITSINA Center advertising MINIINVASIVE bypassing techniques. What's your opinion about this?
# 22:17 11-07-2002 Мацкеплишвили С.Т., обратиться
Dear E. A. , the MEDITSINA Center DOES NOT PERFORM ANY MINIINVASIVE INTERVENTIONS YET! They are planning to make some operations in September inviting cardiac surgeons from Italy (Bergamo). Most of the "Squadra Azzurra" are my very close friends and really good professionals. But the problem is 1) you can't have cardiac surgery (that is the most difficult and sophisticated type of medical treatment, by the way) without having your own SCHOOL of cardiac surgery that takes many- many years to create and 2) at least for me, medicine is not business. Best regards, S. M.
# 20:47 12-07-2002 E.A., обратиться
Dear Dr Simon, I wish all your colleagues could be so kind, elaborate and convincing in their responses to patients. As to my plans I have some
problems on my second front (CML) since Glivec free supply was suddenly discontinued. I hope to
be on the PILL again soon so that there will remain the MAIN cardiac front for me to fight on.



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