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генетик | 03.ru - медицинские консультации онлайн



18:59 21-09-2003 / Valeriy Matveyc…, обратиться

To whom it may concern

My name is Valeriy Matveychuk , I am a disabled man and my disease is muscular dystrophy of Duchenne form. I unmoved during many years.
was born in 21/ 07/ 1965, the disease started from 1970 year, our doctors tried to treat me during 10 years after that they refused me in assistance. They don’ t know the source of that disease. It’ s very hard to write about my unmoved life, the government of Ukraine pays me only 10$ per one month as financial support (pension). I am not able to buy medicines. The local authority doesn’ t want to install a phone set to my apartment, it would be a single way to communicate with outdoor environment.
The financial situation in Ukraine is very hard, the government cannot support disabled men, and in that situation I don’ t have another choice as ask assistance from another countries and organizations. I to feel myself unwell day by day, I cannot lift the mug, it is very heavy for me now and I think that in the near future I will need a help to feed. It is very hard to lie and wait the death, I am 38 ears old.
I asked my flatmate to send this message to different charity organization. Unfortunately I don’ t know the names and contacts of that organizations. If you know the international organizations in different countries, which are able to provide me the real assistance or treatment, please let me know.
Thank you in advance for your charity.

Postal address:
Komitetskay str, 11/ 17, building1, appt. 63, Odessa, 65091, Ukraine for Valeriy Matveychuk
phone + 38048714- 52- 54
v_matveychuk@rambler. ru


# 17:06 15-09-2009 favour, обратиться
plsase if you can wite in english fine

Моя дорогая,
Меня зовут мисс пользу, я прочитал ваш профиль сегодня
по телефону (.03.ru), и я выбрал вас, как только тот, кого я могу дать моему сердцу насколько любовь озабоченность обеспечение и приносить радость и счастье в вашу дверь
step.lf вы заинтересованы во мне, и хотите узнать больше обо мне и
Посмотреть мои красивые фотографии, вы можете связаться со мной
(favourjames23@yahoo.com) Мои дорогие я хочу, чтобы вы поняли, что есть
нет возраста, расы, цвета кожи и религии бар, когда речь идет об истинно love.only
Важно, чистая и преданная relationship.Hoping услышать от
Вам, как только possible.Thank вас.
Мисс пользу.



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