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сексопатолог | 03.ru - медицинские консультации онлайн


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13:30 25-06-2001 / P., обратиться

Dear Doctor,
I would like to ask you some questions.
I have been to urologist- adrologist . Doctor told me that I had an infection in urethra and my urine was remaining in the bladder. I cannot remember doctor's words whereas these two are related. Are they? Doctor also mentioned word "prostatitita" (In Greek)and prostatit ( in russian) but not prostates . He said that it was caused by an old relationship or army service and it is chronicle. Is prostatitita caused by that or above mentioned infections in urethra and bladder or it is something different? Does anything of the above mentioned ( mainly prostatitita) affect my erection ?
Thank you in advance for your early reply.
Yours sincerely,


# 03:34 26-06-2001 Исаев Д.Д., обратиться
Dear P. , prostatitis – an inflammation of the prostate gland that can be caused by infection from urethra. But infection is not the only one reason that could lead to prostatitis. Different psychosomatic mechanisms could lay in the background of the inflammation (i. e. stress, endocrine maladjustment). In any way, prostatitis never cause sexual dysfunction.

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