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10:51 24-12-2002 / Serguei Avdeev, обратиться

I am 51 years old and I would like to make circummision. Please inform me if I will have any problem later. Circummision I need just for new feeling.



# 17:03 26-12-2002 Аноним, обратиться
Not at all. Please try.
# 00:25 27-12-2002 Ariadna, обратиться
Serguei, if you wanna do it ONLY for new feelings - better don't. First of all, circummision is mostly for little boys? so that they don't suffer much during and after the operation (at your age it's too painful, believe me). And second, your penis's head will not be that sensetive as it used to be : ( Leave alone the fact that you won't be able to have sex for at least a month! !! Think about it first and then decide : )))

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