My wife and I are planning to have a baby. We have one question about the medication I am taking. I take Vicodin and a time released Morphine for back pain. Would taking this medication harm the sperm? Is it baby will be healthy? I take 30mg in the morning, 15mg at noon, 30mg at night of morphine. The Vicodin I take 2 pills 3 times a day.
Thanks for your help,
James and Svetlana Privette
Pojalusta pomogite mne s otvetom na takoy vopros
U moego muja sil'no bolit spina i on prinimaet silnie lekarstva Morphine i Vicodin
Ya zeberemennela - -- BUDET LI U MNEYA ZDOROVIY REBENOK ? ?? \Bols'hoe spasibo i Schstivogo Novogo Goda