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03-Скорая Помощь | 03.ru - медицинские консультации онлайн


03-Скорая Помощь

14:45 31-12-2004 / Svetlana, обратиться

My wife and I are planning to have a baby. We have one question about the medication I am taking. I take Vicodin and a time released Morphine for back pain. Would taking this medication harm the sperm? Is it baby will be healthy? I take 30mg in the morning, 15mg at noon, 30mg at night of morphine. The Vicodin I take 2 pills 3 times a day.

Thanks for your help,

James and Svetlana Privette
Pojalusta pomogite mne s otvetom na takoy vopros
U moego muja sil'no bolit spina i on prinimaet silnie lekarstva Morphine i Vicodin
Ya zeberemennela - -- BUDET LI U MNEYA ZDOROVIY REBENOK ? ?? \Bols'hoe spasibo i Schstivogo Novogo Goda


# 15:59 31-12-2004 Тая, обратиться
I don't think that here are anybody who knows enough about your problem. Try to consult the specialist.
# 18:13 31-12-2004 Лаховец Н., обратиться
Vicodin is a combination of 2 grugs - Hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen. Well known terratogenic effects are described in pregnant women who are on any opioid mwdications. Potential fathers who are on chronic medication usually have poor spermatogenesis and decreased spermatosoid activities. It means couple potentially will have some problems to conceive. Teratogenic Effects: (For Woman on medication)- Hydrocodone has been shown to be teratogenic in hamsters when given in doses 700 times the human dose. There are no adequate and well- controlled studies in pregnant women. Hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.
# 18:18 31-12-2004 Лаховец Н., обратиться
Vicodin is a combination of 2 drugs - Hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen. Well known terratogenic effects are described in pregnant women who are on any opioids. Potential fathers who are on chronic medication usually have poor spermatogenesis and decreased spermatosoid activities. It means couple potentially will have some problems to conceive. Teratogenic Effects: (For Woman on medication)- Hydrocodone has been shown to be teratogenic in hamsters when given in doses 700 times the human dose. There are no adequate and well- controlled studies in pregnant women. Hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus
# 20:28 02-01-2005 Жолудев Александр Арсеньевич, обратиться
Не знаю, что там у него со спиной, но он скорее всего подсел на наркотики. Стоит обратить на это внимание, со всеми вытекающими последствиями. В остальном согласен с Натальей.



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