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гинеколог | 03.ru - медицинские консультации онлайн



18:36 05-08-2002 / Irina, обратиться

I am 32. I had chicken pugs [vetrinka] at age of 24. After that my period is irregular. Usually it goes two moth in 31 days than it is skip one moth and again two moth in 31 and so on. But for last year in the month when I do not have my period my breasts hurt a lot. They are like in fire. I can’ t even touch it. But after next period it fines. So every two month I have one moth of pain. What is it? What is the reason?
Recently I have visited my gyn doctor and she told me that everything is fine. I pass some tests for hormone and they are also fine.


# 00:19 07-08-2002 Sveta, обратиться
I'm 33 and also have irregular periods sometimes. My breasts hurt a lot. The problem is that hormones are not balanced (more estrogen) even though your test looks normal. My tests are in the range ("normal") too. But they are obviously not normal for me because I don't feel well. I started to drink herbal teas by Alvita: Dong Quai, Red Raspberry Leaf, Red Clover, Vitex. One of each per day. Take a break when you have your period(! ). I plan to drink teas for 3 month. I started this month and feel much better. Not only PMS but my leg veins are much better too. No side effects. Feel like my old self again. The period also came on time.
# 16:36 07-08-2002 Irina, обратиться
Thank you
I'll try it.
But I want to get pregnant. Do you know anything about herbal teas [Dong Quai, Red Raspberry Leaf, Red Clover, Vitex] during pregnancy period?
Is it fine to take them?
# 23:10 09-08-2002 Sveta, обратиться
I also want to get pregnant(with a second child) and I use these herbs in order to normalize my cycle. I didn't have problems with my first pregnancy, but it was almost 7 years ago. I'll expand my herbal treatment for 6 month if I decide I need to do so. You should discontinue the herbs as soon as pregnancy is confirmed. You can read info on the herbs on www. greencanyon. com . My guess's you are in the US. If you want to order something go to www. myvitanet. com or your local health store. It's much cheaper there.



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